Yay!!! I'm a winner!!! The lovely Danica has bestowed upon me the wonderful Premio Dardos Award! Yay me! Thank you Danica!
Now. "What is the Premio Dardos Award", you ask?
"I'm not positive," I reply, "but it's an award, it's pretty, Danica gave it to me, and I LIKE IT!"
No, for real, this is what it is...
Premio Dardos Award:
This award acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write.
And these are the rules...
1. Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who granted it to you, along with his/her blog link.
2. Pass the award to (15) other blogs that you feel are worthy of this recognition. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen as recipients.
*Please note: when copying the award picture, please download it to your own computer first and upload from there to your own blog site.
So, here are my 15 Premio Dardos recipients...
1. Danica (nowhere in the rules did i read that i couldn't give it back to her)
2. Deborah at Sister Talk
3. Liz at Looney Bin 4 Sure
4. Carrie at Queen of Rambles
5. Dapoppins at Dapoppins
6. Cindy at Hope Lives
7. Georgiana at Georgiana Daniels
8. Crystal at At The Chat N' Chew Cafe With Crystal Laine Miller
9. Camy at Camy's Loft
10. Jared at I Was Raised By A Cup Of Coffee
11. Cheryl at Becoming A Woman For All Seasons
12. Shelley at Confirm The Work Of Our Hands
13. Diane at Praying For Our Prodigals
14. Cheryl Wray at Life With Cheryl
15. You!
I know some of you have already received this award but you can have it again ;)
Thank you, Delia! I am so honored by you.
You are one of my favorite bloggers and have the most unique name for it.
Stay warm!
Awwww, you're so sweet!! Thank you for the award! I will absolutely try to pass it on this week to some deserving bloggers. (And I love having this list of blogs to go check out!)
I'm sorry I haven't been by very often lately. I hope you're doing great!!
Thank you so much...you are very kind...and yes, you may! Blessings.
Thanks friend....I'm glad someone still keeps up with me....
Awww, thanks Delia! That's a super nice way to start my day =)
"This award acknowledges the values that every Blogger displays in their effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary, and personal values with each message they write."
Really? Me?
Thanks for thinking of me!
Thanks Delia, sorry for the delay.
We were right in the middle of that ice storm and didn't have power for a week.
Hope you got my email answering your question !:)
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