Hello, I’m MaryLu Tyndall, author of “The Legacy of the King’s Pirates” series, and I

want to thank Delia for having me on her blog. The third book in the series, The Restitution was just released last month. If you like a great swashbuckling romantic adventure, I guarantee you won’t be disappointed. The story begins with a young lady, Isabel who is ostracized from proper society and living in seclusion under a reverend’s care with her baby—a product of being ravished one night by the pirate, Captain Kent Carlton. When the baby is suddenly kidnapped by vicious men seeking revenge on Kent, Isabel is forced to combine forces with him to save their son. One of the many spiritual themes running through my story involves one of the minor characters. Cutter is the ship’s surgeon. He is an educated man who was severely burned in an accident that left him disfigured. Now, he hides away from a society that is horrified by his appearance and practices medicine among those who don’t care what he looks like—pirates. I hope you’ll fall in love with Cutter,

despite his appearance, as I did, along with one of the other characters in the story. I find as I grow older and closer to Jesus, I can’t help but become angry at the way our society values youth and beauty. It has become an obsession that consumes many people, including our young. My daughter has a friend who is so consumed with her looks that she has already had plastic surgery at age 25. She told me that there is no point to living life if she’s not beautiful and that she would rather die than grow old. My heart goes out to this girl, and I pray for her daily. In a population where only a very small percentage of people fit into the world’s ideal of beauty, where does that leave the rest of us? Even so, I find myself getting caught up in it too. How about you? And what can we do to help our children escape this overwhelming culture around them so they will grow up to look on the inside and not the outside of a person?
*******Thank you, MaryLu for being a guest on my blog. It was a pleasure having you. I'm giving away an autographed copy of MaryLu's book, The Restitution. For a chance to win, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post. (please leave your email address if I don't already have it or if it isn't available on your blog or site) I'll draw a winner on Friday, September 14th.(For more information on MaryLu's books and to see a book trailer on The Restitution, click here.)
This book sounds VERY good, and has peaked my interest on the first two in the series ! Is there a link available to the other books ?
I think if we teach our girls to focus on having a personal relationship with the Lord, and teach them He created them in the womb, they're exactly how He made them, to the Lord they're beautiful so they shouldn't worry about what anybody else thinks.
That's what I teach my girls.
Deborah - The post title is a direct link to MaryLu's website where you can find information on all of her books. Maybe I should edit the post and let everyone know that, huh?
Hi Deborah and Sally, Thanks for your interest. If you visit my website, you can read all about the pirate series, plus I have some really cool cannons that fire at you! I agree with your comment. I used to think my value only went skin deep until I met the Lord and I realized He chose me from before I was even born, that my value to him is not dependent on my looks. It's so important to praise our girls more for their character and godliness than their looks--especially if that praise comes from their father or a strong male in their lives.
I ADORED The Redemption (can't say how much!) and have been very curious about The Restitution. Please, sign me up for the drawing; I'd so love to win a copy!!!
Not sure if my first post got thru.. so I'll send it again.
Thanks Deborah and Sarah for your interest in my pirate series. You can visit my website for more info. In fact, there are cannons that will fire at you when you first enter! And I agree with your thoughts about teaching our young girls. For too many years, I placed all my value on my appearance until I got saved and realized how much the Lord valued me--even before I was born. Wow. It is so important to praise our young girls for their good character and godliness instead of their looks. I think this is especially meaningful coming from their fathers... anyway.. God bless!
Thanks Kathleen, I'm so glad you liked The Redemption!
And many thanks to Delia for having me on her blog!
Dear Delia, I would love to win one of Marylu's books and I would love you to contact me as i live in KY also. rose
I'm a dude, but, seriously, count me in on this one. I actually am very interested in reading this book, even though it seems to be obviously more appealing to a female audience.
Sounds interesting. Count me in please.
I blogged this contest at Wednesday Edition of Contests Galore
This sounds like a great book! I would love to get to read it! Thanks!
I did check out your site Marylu, the cannons are a cute touch !!
Wow, there are getting to be quite a few hoping to win the book, my chances are going down, LOL !:)
Of course I'm hoping I win it to !
count me in!
bebemiqui at hotmail dot com
Oh, I am so excited! I won a copy of the second book on Callipider days! I am dying to read this book! Hopefully I win, but if not, I'm going to the bookstore on Monday to meet Beverly Lewis and I'll look for this book, too!
what an awesome contest to win. Please count me in, I have my fingers crossed! Thanks...
Very interesting...and I do agree with the overemphasis on beauty or what people think beauty really is....???!! Blessings
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