Wednesday, September 04, 2019

An Amish Christmas Kitchen by Leslie Gould, Jan Drexler, Kate Lloyd

An Amish Christmas Kitchen: 
Three Novellas Celebrating the Warmth of the Season
by Leslie Gould, Jan Drexler, Kate Lloyd

As the weather grows cold and the nights grow long, the cheer and warmth of the Christmas season is one thing all readers can find comfort in. This collection from bestselling Amish fiction novelists Leslie Gould, Jan Drexler, and Kate Lloyd finds the beating heart at the center of the holiday and offers three novellas that celebrate family, faith, and especially the sights and smells of a bustling holiday kitchen. 

Leslie Gould tells the story of how, in the wake of a heartbreaking loss, a young Amish woman finds unexpected comfort and hope in a yearly baking tradition surrounding the local Lancaster Christmas market. Jan Drexler offers a sweet tale of a shy Amish woman who decides to use her gift for sweets to woo a local Amish boy with her beloved Christmas cookies. And Kate Lloyd offers a heartwarming tale of a woman's unexpected discovery about the truth of her past, and the warm and welcoming Amish family table she finds herself invited to on Christmas.

My Review: 

This book contains three stand alone Amish fiction novellas that tell stories of faith, family, and love at Christmastime. 

An Amish Family Christmas by Leslie Gould tells the story of Noelle, a young Amish woman who recently lost her mother. She's busy taking care of her father and working in the family's baked goods business when an old love that Noelle had never gotten over comes back to Lancaster County. 

An Amish Christmas Recipe Box by Jan Drexler tells the story of Ada, a shy young Amish woman who is having trouble gaining the attention her crush. She decides to use her baking skills to get him to notice her.

An Unexpected Christmas Gift by Kate Lloyd tells the story of Maria, a young English woman searching for answers about her past. In her quest she meets an Amish family that will change her life.

This book is filled with faith, family, love, and the joy of Christmas. The authors all did a wonderful job of telling these women's stories in ways that drew me in. I joined their families for Christmas even though I read it at the end of summer. I ached for their losses and their heartaches, rejoiced in their happiness, and didn't want to put the book down. I look forward to reading more from all three of these authors.

I was given a copy of this book by the publisher, Bethany House for review. I was not asked to give a favorable review, just an honest one. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

CFBA: Robin by Julane Hiebert

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Wings of Hope Publishing Group (November 15, 2015)
Julane Hiebert


Julane is first of all a child of God. She is also a wife to Bob, mother to two living sons,Kip and Rob, two daughters in heaven, two wonderful daughters-in-law, Becky and Tami, and grandmother to six perfectly wonderful grands, as well as an additional three ‘other grands’. She lives with her husband in a wee cottage by a small lake nestled in the beautiful Flint Hills of Kansas.

Though encouraged by many to pen the story of raising two daughters with an incurable disease, she has chosen to incorporate the lessons learned into the lives of her not-too-perfect characters. Her passion is to present the promises and hope found in God’s Word in down-to-earth, everyday experiences through her stories.

Julane loves reading, decorating, junking, antiques, and chocolate! No particular order, but one would be safe to insert chocolate between all other interests.


In 1877 the Wenghold sisters inherited an overwhelming debt with their father’s passing. An uncle they’ve never met offers a solution—come help on his Kansas cattle ranch. The oldest sister, Robin, agrees to go.

Ty Morgan has suffered through a year of misery after being jilted by the town beauty a few months before their wedding. But a tornado whirls an unexpected breath of hope into his heart when he rescues Robin, his neighbor’s newly arrived niece, and a small boy who was orphaned by the storm.

Robin’s crippled leg prevents her from being a real help to Uncle John, but she seems to be exactly who Ty needs to heal his broken heart. Until his former fiancée returns and a mysterious, elusive stranger casts worry over the entire community.

A woman determined to honor her obligations, a man entangled in a long ago-made commitment, an orphaned child in need of security . . . Can God guide these three souls to peace and fulfillment together?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Robin, go HERE.

My Review:
I have had an unexpectedly busy week and haven't had a chance to finish reading this book yet. However, this is a refreshingly sweet love story and I anticipate that the ending will be just as good as the beginning. I also look forward to reading more from this author and in this series.

Friday, February 19, 2016

CFBA: The Pharaoh's Daughter by Mesu Andrews

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Pharaoh's Daughter
WaterBrook Press (March 17, 2015)
Mesu Andrews


Mesu Andrews’ deep understanding of and love for God’s Word brings the biblical world alive for her readers. She and her husband, Roy, enjoyed fourteen years of pastoral ministry before moving to the Pacific Northwest, where Roy now serves as Academic Dean at Multnomah Biblical Seminary. Mesu writes full-time, snuggled in her recliner beside a cozy fire on rainy Northwest days. The Andrews’ enjoy visiting their two married daughters and a growing tribe of grandkids. Mesu loves movies, football, waterfalls, and travel.

Biblical fiction is her favorite genre to read and write. Her first novel, Love Amid the Ashes (Revell, 2011), tells the story of Job and won the 2012 ECPA Book of the Year for a Debut Author.

“Fear is the most fertile ground for faith.” “You will be called Anippe, daughter of the Nile. Do you like it?” Without waiting for a reply, she pulls me into her squishy, round tummy for a hug.
I’m trying not to cry. Pharaoh’s daughters don’t cry.
When we make our way down the tiled hall, I try to stop at ummi Kiya’s chamber. I know her spirit has flown yet I long for one more moment. Amenia pushes me past so I keep walking and don’t look back.

Like the waters of the Nile, I will flow.

Anippe has grown up in the shadows of Egypt’s good god Pharaoh, aware that Anubis, god of the afterlife, may take her or her siblings at any moment. She watched him snatch her mother and infant brother during childbirth, a moment which awakens in her a terrible dread of ever bearing a child. Now she is to be become the bride of Sebak, a kind but quick-tempered Captain of Pharaoh Tut’s army. In order to provide Sebak the heir he deserves and yet protect herself from the underworld gods, Anippe must launch a series of deceptions, even involving the Hebrew midwives—women ordered by Tut to drown the sons of their own people in the Nile.

When she finds a baby floating in a basket on the great river, Anippe believes Egypt’s gods have answered her pleas, entrenching her more deeply in deception and placing her and her son Mehy, whom handmaiden Miriam calls Moses, in mortal danger.

As bloodshed and savage politics shift the balance of power in Egypt, the gods reveal their fickle natures and Anippe wonders if her son, a boy of Hebrew blood, could one day become king. Or does the god of her Hebrew servants, the one they call El Shaddai, have a different plan—for them all?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Pharaoh's Daughter, go HERE.

My Review: 
Wow.Wow. Wow.

I have always loved the story of Moses. It's the perfect example that God always has a plan and though we can't always see how everything is working towards His plan, it is. He had a plan for Moses to lead His people out of Egypt and long before the Exodus, He chose to use the daughter of Israel's oppressor to help implement it.

Sooo, I was a little torn before starting this book. I was so excited to read it and I really wanted to like it, but I was afraid that I wouldn't. I was afraid that this tale, based on what might have happened, would not be what I wanted it to be. There were aspects of it that were nothing like I would've imagined it myself but Oh My Goodness, it was so much better!

Mesu Andrews made these historical figures come alive for me and it made me love the story of Moses even more.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Soul's Prisoner by Cara Luecht

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Soul's Prisoner
(WhiteFire Publishing (December 15, 2015))
Cara Luecht

A Word from the Author:I never planned to be a writer. In fact, it took me a while to finish college. But I did, and here I am. And I now I can’t imagine not being a writer. By day, I am an English Instructor for a local college, mother to four amazing children, and wife to an eternally patient and supportive husband. In the evening, when I can squirrel away some quiet time, I read and write historical fiction. I have a B.A. in English Lit. from UW Whitewater and an M.F.A in Creative Writing from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Madison, NJ. If you have a question for me, or if you are local and would like me to stop by your book club or writer’s group, please drop me a line via the “Ask the Author” tab. I always love the opportunity to meet with others who share my love of books.


She'll fight for her future...but can she escape her past?
Chicago, Winter, 1891
Rachel is in danger. She s seen too much.
She creeps along the cement walls through the dank underbelly of the asylum. She d never planned to leave her quiet farm life, never thought she d find a place in the city, never imagined she d be in the kind of danger that would have her cowering in Dunning s cold, labyrinthine basement.
Jenny has finally found her place. After a childhood of abuse, she has friends, a real job, and her only wish is to give her adopted son the kind of life she never had.
A life of stability, without the risk and uncertainty of a father.
But when Jeremy, Rachel s brother, stumbles into their warehouse, asking for help to find his missing sister, Jenny s carefully constructed life begins to crumble.

If you would like to read the first chapter of Soul's Prisoner, go HERE.

My Thoughts: 
This book is the second in the Portraits of Grace series and I have to admit that I was a little lost at first because I haven't read the first book, but I soon caught up with who was who and then everything seemed to make more sense. So, you could read this book as a stand alone but I'd really recommend reading the first one before you read this one.

 This book is full of intrigue with a touch of romance woven throughout the story. It has a darker, almost Gothic, tone that really works. The author did such an amazing job describing everything that I could almost feel the cold and the fear down in that basement with Rachel. Definitely a page turner.

I'm looking forward to reading more in this series.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Hand Me Down Princess by Carol Moncado

This week, the
Christian Fiction Blog Alliance
is introducing
Hand Me Down Princess
CANDID Publications (August 31, 2015)
Carol Moncado


When she’s not writing about her imaginary friends, Carol Moncado is hanging out with her husband, four kids, and a dog who weighs less than most hard cover books. She prefers watching NCIS to just about anything, except maybe watching Castle, or Girl Meets World with her kids. She believes peanut butter M&Ms are the perfect food and Dr. Pepper should come in an IV. When not watching her kids – and the dog – race around her big backyard in Southwest Missouri, she’s teaching American Government at a local community college. She’s a founding member and President of MozArks ACFW, category coordinator for First Impressions, blogger at InspyRomance, and represented by Tamela Hancock Murray of The Steve Laube Agency.


Prince Malachi Van Renssalaer of Mevendia is getting married. The problem? He’s never even met his bride. His father arranged everything, right down to the marriage contract. Malachi swears to himself that he will be nothing like his father in the ways that count - including his fidelity to his wife.

Jessabelle Keller would happily spend her entire life in obscurity, but her father once saved the life of a future king. Before he dies, her father is committed to seeing that king make good on his promise to have one of his sons marry her so she would be taken care of for life.

No sooner than Prince Malachi and Jessabelle return from their honeymoon, they find themselves dealing with both private trauma and the very public drama of groundless accusations from the press. Just as they begin to weave their fragile trust back together, a ghost from the king’s past arrives and threatens everything they’ve ever held dear.

Secrets have a funny way of coming out and this one could rip the faith of the country in their leaders to shreds. Malachi is determined to protect Jessabelle no matter what it takes, but will it ever be enough for her to not feel like a Hand-Me-Down Princess?

If you would like to read the first chapter of Hand Me Down Princess, go HERE.